
Appliance Parts Blog

Supco Capacitors - Run Capacitors

When the heat rises, extra strain is put on your air conditioner's capacitor. If it goes out, everything will shut down. You can usually tell if a capacitor is bad when it starts to swell outward (even though many are bad with no outward signs). If you need one, call us or stop by with your old capacitor and we can match up the right replacement. The information we need off the old capacitor is the micro-fared (uF) ratings and the voltage (voltage isn't usually critical though - a 440V capacitor will work in almost all residential units). If there are 3 places for wires to attach at the top of the capacitor, it is a dual capacitor that sends power to the motor and the compressor. A dual capacitor will have 2 different uF numbers and we'll need both to match up the correct air conditioner capacitor to get you back up and running.


Filter By Appliance Brand: Packard , Supco

Part #:  OC4405
5 mfd 440/370V oval motor capacitor for air conditioner fan motors ... More Info
In-Stock   Ships: Immediately
$ 9.70 ea.

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